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Gone Fishing
Gone Fishing
Feb 29, 2020
In Fishing Tips
Session 5: Tip 8 “Say Who You Are” Handout (March 1, 2020) Book pp. 177-192 Webinar Video Session 2 (1:14– 1:25 on the time bar) At Hillhurst, there is a banner at the front of the church (outside) that proclaims: “Whoever You Are, Wherever You’re At, Join Us On The Journey” This message welcomes whomever comes. A second statement proclaims that they are an affirming congregation. Church signs / banners matter! Post what matters. Don’t just post events, especially in churchy language. e.g. on one sign ……. “Advent 3” – doesn’t tell seekers who you are, and they may not know what it means. Another sign …. Had Advent / Christmas events still posted in February.(out of date) Another sign – had a spelling error “worsip” Congruency matters in your message .Be sure that any message you post truly reflects what is found inside. Don’t say “ A young and vibrant congregation “…. if you’re not. Are you whom who proclaim to be? Don’t use valuable sign space for names and qualifications. Post inviting and inspiring messages. Humour is good. Discussion: If you could post one message on a sign / banner what would it be? i.e. What do you want your community to know about you? Great opportunity at Trinity – our sign has been digitized! General Tips For Saying Who You Are Be real Be honest Be integral and true to yourself Ask a non-church person to say what they think of your posted message. What Would Jesus Say (WWJS) …. Values and Banners Jesus believed that people needed to consider what matters the most. He spoke in ways that invited people to discover what was burning in their souls and encouraged them to go and do more of that. Jesus valued community, he called disciples he valued alone time, he sought refuge. He spoke out and acted when disturbed by his temple. He always sought to model compassion. His stories were based upon God’s dreams. His vision was centered on inclusion and love of God, neighbour and self. Jesus applauded bold and creative statements of faith and spoke and taught in banner-style phrases such as: “Be not afraid”, “Love thy neighbour, “Peace be with you” and “Blessed are you”. His messages were always about love … positive statements for something…. not against. They invited the least of us all…. the lost, the lonely, the forsaken. He invited us to relate directly, whoever we are, wherever we’re at. Our signs, banners, proclamations must be inviting, speak of what we dream, rooted in our faith. Saying who we are is a faithful response to Jesus’ question…..”Who do you say that I am?” A second part of this chapter deals with Hillhurst’s journey of becoming and being an affirming congregation i.e. living out what they proclaim to be. Tips for Growing You Church In the Age of Spirit , what we do matters. Look at what causes difficulty in your community… you may be looking at the very thing that, turned around, will invite greatness. Say who you are and lean into it. Learn how to walk the talk. Keep asking, “ How are we who we say we ae?” What Would Jesus Say (WWJS)….Affirming & Growing Your Church? Jesus was for everyone! He made it very clear that he was for anyone considered as an outcast or deemed by others as bring unworthy. He went out of his way to be with those on the outside of convention. He touched them, ministered to them and reminded them that they were loved, no matter what anyone or any institution said. Jesus ministry was to those who had been deemed unwelcome. His radical hospitality changed lives. His touch, words, actions affirmed all to a life they had not known. Jesus told us that we are called to love and live that love. He challenged those who sought to divide. He said that the most important love was for God, neighbour and self. When Hillhurst went public in its Affirming Ministry, their love of life and the world expanded through those they met. Their circles widened and their community grew. Overall Tip 8 Questions: (These questions will be asked after each chapter (Tip). 1. What resonated for you the most from the material presented in this chapter? (Can be more than one) Please elaborate. 2. What did you learn from this chapter that could be tried at Trinity, possibly with modifications as we work toward a renewed vision? Please elaborate. 3. Were there any ideas, presented in this chapter, that would, in your opinion, be best left untried. Please elaborate. (Rev. Dr. John Pentland invites us, not only to use and adapt his ideas, but to cross out what we don’t think will work for us.) Homework: Read Tip 9 “Worship Matters” pp. 196-215
Session 5: Tip 8 content media
Trinity Admin
Gone Fishing
Gone Fishing
Feb 29, 2020
In Fishing Tips
Session 5: Tip 7 “Connect with Culture” Handout (March 1, 2020) Book pp. 153-174 Webinar Video Session 2 (1:02– 1:14 on the time bar) We are not separate from culture, not above, but inclusive of and within. Are we talking about what people are talking about in the community and how? Recognize Earth Day – bike blessing Invite those who wish to ride bike to church and have a blessing of the bikes. Pet Blessing – bring your pet and have it blessed. Advertise these events in newspaper, church sign, social media. Submit editorials to newspapers and provide viewpoint on current events with a theological grounding Address culture: Is the church a museum or a medium? Sermon on teen suicide – parents attended and brought their teens. Hold vigils after tragic events – after a mass shooting / natural disaster. Be part of events like the Pride parade. Whatever is going on in the community – be a presence there. Provide communion at street events for those who wish to partake. Make theological connections with events and personal /local / global joys and stresses. Reference to social media chart – how do people get their news? Use social media to let the community know what you are doing and that you are engaged in the community. (More on this in another session) Just about everyone is online and people like to check things online, from the safety of their own home. First impressions count, in person, but also online, so your website must be informative, up to date and attractive. People like to send links to one another. Volunteer opportunities and useful resources should be online. Questions for discussion Think about issues that you hear about that should be addressed by the church. How do we help people to be people of hope? General Tips for Connecting to Culture Take a mental survey of the events happening wherever you are. Consider setting the lectionary aside, and create a series that speaks to the issues that matter in your area. Don’t try to get people in: try to get your message out. Play with crazy ideas… take risks…. Say “Yes”. What Would Jesus Say (WWJS)…. Connecting to Culture ? Jesus as Son of God / Son of Man – he was a confluence of both. For him, there was no separation between secular and sacred, though he perceived a disconnect among people in this regard. Everywhere he went and everyone he spoke to, his mission was to unite the Kingdoms of God and Man. 2000 years ago, there was a brutal Roman occupation, merging cultures, people trying to make a living and trying to make most out of life as it presented itself day-to-day. Today. Jesus would likely make these same connections, using different metaphors and stories. He would tell leaders and all of us not to hide ourselves away, but to stand up firm in the open flow of the world as it is. He knew his culture and customs so that he could speak them in a way that encouraged subversive change to happen. Overall Tip 7 Questions: (These questions will be asked after each chapter (Tip). 1. What resonated for you the most from the material presented in this chapter? (Can be more than one) Please elaborate. 2. What did you learn from this chapter that could be tried at Trinity, possibly with modifications as we work toward a renewed vision? Please elaborate. 3. Were there any ideas, presented in this chapter, that would, in your opinion, be best left untried. Please elaborate. (Rev. Dr. John Pentland invites us, not only to use and adapt his ideas, but to cross out what we don’t think will work for us.)
Session 5: Tip 7 content media
Trinity Admin
Gone Fishing
Gone Fishing
Feb 29, 2020
In Fishing Tips
Session 4: Tip 6 “Pay It Forward” Handout (February 23, 2020) Book pp. 135-151 Webinar Video Session 2 (37:15 – 1:02 on the time bar) Hillhurst has undergone a major shift in how they do finances. When Pentland arrived there was a jar labelled “Pennies for Jesus”. Note the comparison chart of budget in 2004 vs. 2019 $120K vs. 956K. Encourage thoughtful giving, not giving through guilt. Pentland highly recommends actively promoting giving by PAR. – encourages consistent, thoughtful giving $31K per month by PAR Envelopes- How many consistently plan what they put in an envelope weekly? Inconsistent givings when not there, holidays etc. Hillhurst has congregants give personal testimonials as to why they give. Have abandoned the passing of the offering plate Have stations; can give traditionally in baskets at front and back of sanctuary, but can also give by credit card at kiosks in the back or can text donation by smartphone. Fear of decreased givings were not realized and in fact givings increased somewhat. Importance of thanking with gratitude for donations and making the thank you personal. Ideally, the letter should come from the minister, be hand written and signed. Pentland has received emails showing appreciation for the notes of gratitude and the church has noted increased givings as a result. Tell the story – what is made possible through givings. Inform people about all the things that happened during the week because of their generosity e.g. weddings, funerals, pastoral care, Christian education, social outreach, concerts etc. Pentland references the book “ Not Your Parents’ Offering Plate: A New Vision for Financial Stewardship” several times A couple of key points from this book are: Don’t be afraid to ask. A scenario is given where a wealthy congregant made a large donation in support of a hospital expansion just a week before being asked by the church. The congregant wasn’t made aware of the church’s plans in time. Let people know what will be done with their donation. A hospital or university will send out detailed plans for their capital campaigns, how it will be spent and the opportunities that the donation will provide. Churches often don’t do this.. You should donate because…..??? that’s what good church members do? The minister should be privy to what people give. Hillhurst hosts appreciation dinners for different levels of giving and the message differs. The gratitude doesn’t differ, but the level of requests for further contributions does. This recognizes and respects the ability of each donor level to continue and hopefully increase their support. At these events, present ideas for next few years, seek feedback and hopefully the financial support will follow. People want to be invited to increase their givings. Hillhurst’s Stewardship campaigns have themes: e.g. Pick Up the Tab- opportunity to pay for a particular aspect of church life e.g. the bulletins, a month’s salary for…?? , Right Size your givings – based on Tim Horton’s coffee S, M, L, X-L PAR promotion Does your church embrace a philosophy of: fear of scarcity or possibility of abundance? stinginess or. generosity? Does your church embrace an attitude of no guilt and gratitude? Sign -up to host a dinner in your home. e.g. Oscars night 200 attended, had 19 dinners and raised 18K. Discussion Time: How comfortable is your church with talking about money? Thoughts on ideas presented in this session? General Tips for “Pay It Forward” Remember that is about exchange : gratitude for generosity say “Thank you”, often and personally. Be positive and inspiring in your asking. – talk about opportunities and possibilities Never inspire guilt; refrain from “need”, instead focus on “would love to”.. Tell what the church does and what they support by giving. Make it fun and funny when you can. What Would Jesus Say about Pay It Forward? Jesus was always walking / talking generosity and gratitude. In Luke 17; 11-19, Jesus spoke of the 10 lepers, all of whom were healed., but He questioned the fact that only one of he returned to express his gratitude to God. Jesus’ generosity was never an expression of duty or “righteousness, and thank you was always genuine, not just a tip of the hat. Jesus spoke of the woman who gave the only coins she had (Mark12: 41-44), a gesture of generosity / gratitude that opened the door through which Jesus’ blessing could touch her. Overall Tip 6 Questions: (These questions will be asked after each chapter (Tip). 1. What resonated for you the most from the material presented in this chapter? (Can be more than one) Please elaborate. 2. What did you learn from this chapter that could be tried at Trinity, possibly with modifications as we work toward a renewed vision? Please elaborate. 3. Were there any ideas, presented in this chapter, that would, in your opinion, be best left untried. Please elaborate. (Rev. Dr. John Pentland invites us, not only to use and adapt his ideas, but to cross out what we don’t think will work for us.)
Session 4: Tip 6 content media
Trinity Admin
Gone Fishing
Gone Fishing
Feb 29, 2020
In Fishing Tips
Tip 5 “Pay For What You Want, Not What You Have” Handout (February 23, 2020) Book pp. 117-133 Webinar Video Session 2 (27:46 – 37:15 on the time bar) Know what you want and why you want it. If you say you want it, are you willing to pay for it? Do you work with leftovers or do you plan for the future? e.g. Hillhurst in 2004 had 2 kids. They said they want more children and youth. Value of risk – one of Hillhurst’s stated values Congregation said “Yes” They took the risk and increased the budget by 100K for two years. Now: 100 + kids on Sundays (200 registered) 9 Kids Space leaders Kids Space summer camps Messy Church family nights Pagers for Parents Youth Choir Diversify Staff Hillhurst has one full time minister and one half-time minister and a full-time executive director Hired part time (non- clergy) staff to meet other needs such as: Communications – social media, Affirming Coordinator and Hospitality Strong emphasis on Communications – particularly external (More on this in another session) 2016 – Hillhurst hired someone part-time for this position.+ a student Well maintained website - 8000 views per month / 3200 likes Live-steaming of services. Discussion: What is one position you’d be willing to pay for? General Tips: Let go of the idea that money is evil, therefore church should be moneyless. Be clear about what it is you want, and why. How is this help us all thrive? Tie what you want to your vision. What Would Jesus Say (WWJS)… about Pay For what You Want? Matthew 25: 1-30 Parable of master who leaves town and entrusts his property to his servants. Upon return, he praises and rewards those who had sought ways to increase their investment and berates the fearful one. “Do not be afraid” is a mantra that applies so many places in our lives. Why is burying our treasure unfaithful? Vision of a Kingdom that us like mustard seed ….a vision for enormous creative expression that is incongruent with its size. He used the phrase “Where your heart is there will your treasure be” (Matthew 6:21, Luke 12:34) … “let your love guide you, let it crack open that mustard seed”. Often we are guided by the attitude, “We have no money” or “ Wow, it would be great to have youth around here, but we have no youth or money. So… we cut the budget for that position. Jesus’s statement “Where your heart is so too is your treasure” challenges our fear-based scarcity model thinking. “It is risky to pay for what you want, it is deeply humbling and exciting to watch how, when we do, the fruits of our faith multiply”. (Pentland) “Let’s discern what matters to us, and then let’s endow it with the support it needs --- intention-wise, time-wise. Life energy-wise and monetarily. Overall Tip 5 Questions: (These questions will be asked after each chapter (Tip). 1. What resonated for you the most from the material presented in this chapter? (Can be more than one) Please elaborate. 2. What did you learn from this chapter that could be tried at Trinity, possibly with modifications as we work toward a renewed vision? Please elaborate. 3. Were there any ideas, presented in this chapter, that would, in your opinion, be best left untried. Please elaborate. (Rev. Dr. John Pentland invites us, not only to use and adapt his ideas, but to cross out what we don’t think will work for us.)
Session 4: Tip 5 content media
Trinity Admin
Gone Fishing
Gone Fishing
Feb 06, 2020
In Fishing Tips
Tip 3 explores discovering identity and purpose and saying who you are. Tip 4 explores how to live out  vision and mission statements in a concrete way. Book pp. 75-98 Webinar Video Session 1 (1:11 - 1:38 on the time bar) 1. What are Trinity’s current values and where can they be found on a weekly basis? Note: Not all churches have or can identify their core values. 2. Core values should drive a faith community in all that it does. How can this be accomplished? 3. How can core values be determined? -Intentional listening to: a) congregation b) community outside the walls of the church. Eavesdrop on conversations in coffee shops, bars, stores Interview local businesses, community leaders, politicians, strangers What are people talking about? Are we talking about the same things in church? Church should be a bridge to the community. Talk about what they are talking about and make a spiritual connection to these topics. 4. Hillhurst’s current values are: Spiritual Nurture, Radical Hospitality, Social Justice and Risk Spiritual Nurture: Recognize that everyone is spiritual, but not everyone is religious Honour the spirituality of individuals and the community Educational opportunities to enhance spirituality e.g. Monday evening teaching nights – led by ministry staff, church volunteers, community speakers Don’t worry about number of attendees, small at first, growth will occur by word of mouth Contemplative service – teaching, chanting, meditation, silence People have a hunger for learning – learn how to deal with anxiety with world and personal issues Reel Theology – examine movies and make a spiritual connection Discuss children’s literature – make spiritual connections Talk about topics that people wouldn’t think that churches would discuss. Find out what the community culture is talking about and make a spiritual connection. These opportunities may not increase worship attendance, but the profile of the church in the community is elevated. Hospitality: coffee, lunches after worship Where do we experience hospitality a) at church? b) in the community? Social Justice What do you do during the week between Sunday worship service? Engage in political, economical, environmental and social issues in the community Affirming community – deepened Hillhurst’s life as a church, did not grow the church Pride parade (Trinity has a Main St. presence, perhaps we could have a group march in the local parade with a banner) Parents of kids coming out advocate for them at Hillhurst Sponsoring of refugees Lunches for homeless and recreational opportunities – ping pong What issue(s) in our community can we become engage with? Risk: Jesus said “Do not be afraid’ - take risks, not all initiatives will be successful Risk issues may have a financial component. Summary Discern your values through conversations …. What matters to the congregation? Are these values known? Can they be repeated (stated by congregants)? Let them drive what you do as a congregation – don’t just file them in a document! Idea: Trinity is going to make the Main St. sign digital - post the values there. Overall Tip 3 Questions: (These questions will be asked after each chapter (Tip). What resonated for you the most from the material presented in this chapter?(Can be more than one) Please elaborate, What did you learn from this chapter that could be tried at Trinity, possibly with modifications as we work toward a renewed vision? Please elaborate. Were there any ideas, presented in this chapter, that would, in your opinion, be best left untried. Please elaborate. (Rev. Dr. John Pentland invites us, not only to use and adapt his ideas, but to cross out what we don’t think will work for us.) Homework Read Tip 4: Don’t Fight the Resurrection p. 101-115 Tip 5: Pay for What You Want, Not What You Have p. 117-133 Tip 6: Pay it Forward Answer any unanswered questions on Handouts 1-3 using the book or the webinar. Tip 4 Session 3: Tip 4 “Don’t Forget the Resuurection” Handout (February 9, 2020) Book pp. 101-115 Webinar Video Session 2 ( 6:00 – 27:45 on the time bar) Sometimes something has to die (be given up) to make room for something new. Get rid of them if they are not working. These things will differ for every church. If some things we hold dear because we’ve always done them, but are a lot of work with no real benefit…. Think about letting them go and find alternatives. Hillhurst: choir gowns. children’s time and turkey supper Think about what we could possibly let go of at Trinity and we’ll discuss at the end of the session. Change in Board Structure Hiillhurst: 9 on Board – like our Leadership Team - meet once a month/ not July 7 August and December is a parrty Deal with: Fiduciary work – finances / budget 10% of time Strategic work – planning for events in the short term – next month + Generative work - ideas and possibilities – spend most time here – Meet at 6 p.m. for dinner – may be at someone’s home Generative component - speaker / book study / learning opportunity 3 year commitment – but could be as short as one year Consists of M&P, Finance, and representatives from each of the 3 circles – committed, comfortable and curious (Tip 2) Minister seeks people for the Board… especially form the curious group. What is discussed at Board meetings is missional – how does it relate to church values? Summary What needs to die or what are we clinging to that we need to get rid of? Do we practice possibility? Trust that something new will come. Overall Tip 4 Questions: (These questions will be asked after each chapter (Tip). 1. What resonated for you the most from the material presented in this chapter? (Can be more than one) Please elaborate, 2. What did you learn from this chapter that could be tried at Trinity, possibly with modifications as we work toward a renewed vision? Please elaborate. 3. Were there any ideas, presented in this chapter, that would, in your opinion, be best left untried. Please elaborate. (Rev. Dr. John Pentland invites us, not only to use and adapt his ideas, but to cross out what we don’t think will work for us.) Homework Read Tip 5: Pay for What You Want, Not What You Have p. 117-133 Tip 6: Pay it Forward pp. 135-151.
Session 3: 
Tip 3 "Discern Your Values"
Tip 4 "Don't Fight the Resurrection" content media
Trinity Admin
Gone Fishing
Gone Fishing
Feb 06, 2020
In Fishing Tips
Tip 1 explores the crucial role  of strong leadership. Tip 2 explores a model for understanding and working with individual church structure involving three levels of church involvement. Fishing Tips: How Curiosity Transformed a Community of Faith Book Study: Trinity United Church, Newmarket Session 1: Tip 1 “Let Leaders Lead” Handout (February 2, 2020) Introduction: p. xI – xxiii and Video 1 The questions were formulated from the book and the webinar video. 1. What two aspects of ministry were Hillhurst’s priorities for Rev. John Pentland when they issued him a call? 2. In the webinar, John focuses on professional will and humility of leaders and having the right people on the bus. I have lifted a few paragraphs from this chapter which explore some other aspects of leadership. Jim Collins: (author of “Good to Great”) A “good” church might be described as a congregation who embraces the beauty of the building, the music and the choir, familiar faces in the congregation and the overall Sunday worship experience. It may be demonstrated by nostalgia for times past when church was a significant part of everyone’s life. These are all part of a “great” church but insufficient for this designation. A bland or dutiful church might be overlooked by people with many other commitments and opt for those instead. People have access to a greater variety of information and teachings …. psychological, political, social and spiritual. There is a perception out there that church is ho-hum, out-dated and irrelevant. Just because they don’t attend church doesn’t mean that they aren’t activists for change, charitable or spiritual. A shift in church requires us to take a look at our “doing-it-the-same-way” assumptions . Good enough is insufficient in other areas of our lives…. so why would it work for church? People expect more. In his book, Jim Collins examines how businesses and not for profits can become great, not just good. John references the Hedgehog Concept from Jim’s book. It involves attaining clarity on how to produce the best long-term results and say No thank you to opportunities that fail the Hedgehog test. Businesses that follow this concept successfully have a deep understanding of three intersecting circles: 1. What are you deeply passionate about? 2. What can you be best at in the world? 3. What best drives your economic engine? Some social sector leaders were OK with the first two, but had issues with the third. Similarly, a pastor found that the third one didn’t make sense in a church context. John challenged this by saying …. “Don’t you need money to fund your work?” Problem: There is a cultural problem of talking about money in a religious setting,…. there is a commonly held belief that money is the root of all evil. John… Yeah but you have to pay the bills etc. 2nd discomfort with third point --- money isn’t the only resource needed in a church…they need time, emotional commitment, hands, hearts and minds. John: In a church setting , the economic engine becomes the resource engine. How can we develop a sustainable resource engine to deliver superior performance relative to our mission? So we shift from good to great by: Identifying what you care most deeply about Identifying what you can be brilliant at Identifying how to develop a resource base in support of your mission Each congregation must discover for itself how it will live out our Creed and what the measurement of success will be. Without this frame of reference, we collapse ,,,, either by trying to be all things to all people, or shutting down, becoming insular, taking care of our own needs and not looking outward. Question: At Trinity, the Stewardship Team embraces the 5 T’s when referring to our resources. What are the 5 T’s ? Attributes of Strong Leadership & Tilling The Soil (pp. 38-42) Jim Collins refers to “Level Five Leadership”. The two main attributes of “level five leaders” are professional will and personal humility. Professional will: refers to both the vision a leader has for where the organization is going, and the passion to make that vision come to life. Level five leaders must have an outward view, always considering what creatively is possible. The Questions, not answers, are the cornerstone of leadership skill and learning to ask the right question at the right time is an art. This promotes creativity. It allows people to make a wholehearted investment, and if change is about to happen, to take ownership. Engagement is what leadership hopes to inspire. The first step to strong leadership is about letting go of what you think you know and start asking questions. This can be done with great curiosity and is a spiritual practice. Answers do have importance. Having asked the right questions, we need to listen to the replies. Real and exciting dialogue can ensue. Jesus was the “Master”. People were drawn to Jesus --- to the vision he held out for those who could see and hear, to what he said and how he said it, and to how he moved in the world. He did this by seeking and meeting people where they were at, engage them, often through inspired questions. Asking sincere questions, rather than having answers for them demonstrates humility. Jesus posed questions in order to discover, dream, imagine: to better understand those around him : and to help people discover, for themselves, the spiritual life as it unfolds, individually, together and with God. Connecting with the community was also part of John’s call at Hillhurst. So… questioning was taken “out there” as well. Jesus was always inviting people to be inclusive. Questions were raised about who was among us and who was not. What did we need to do to make people in the community feel comfortable about coming into our sanctuary? They expanded their understanding about street people and the LGBTQ community and how they are as much the “Christ Among Us” as those already in the congregation. What might it be like for these groups to find a truly safe place to believe, to worship and to feel at home? How could people in local coffee shops and stores be made welcome? Trust: A clear trust must be established with the community for leadership to happen. Is the leader willing to hear all voices? Is the leadership presenting the greater vision or pushing an agenda? Is the leadership truly seeking the best for all and with all, to allow things to move to another place? Is the leadership compassionate, authentic and transparent? Is it willing to speak the truth as they see it, and welcomes others to do the same? Is it willing to leave some disgruntled? Strong leadership doesn’t mean that everyone is happy, but casting the vision draws people to trust in the greater possibilities. Trust is essential. If the relationship is strong then people trust each other and the whole thing takes on a life of its own. Question: a) To what extent do we support our leaders (staff and appointed leaders) and let them lead at Trinity? b) How can we be more supportive? Overall Session Questions: (These questions will be asked after each session.) 1. What resonated for you the most from the material presented in this session? (Can be more than one) Please elaborate, 2. What did you learn from this session that could be tried at Trinity, possibly with modifications as we work toward a renewed vision? Please elaborate. 3. Were there any ideas, presented in this session, that would, in your opinion, be best left untried. Please elaborate. (Rev. Dr. John Pentland invites us, not only to use and adapt his ideas, but to cross out what we don’t think will work for us.) Homework for Session 2 (February 2, 2020) Read Introduction pp. xi- xxiii Read Tip 1: Let Leaders Lead pp. 25-51 Answer any of the handout questions that you didn’t complete during the session. Session 2 will start with a discussion of the Overall Session 1 (above). If you have time, read as much as possible, of the following. Tips 2-4 will be shown next week. Read Tip 2: Expand Your Circles pp. 53-72 Read Tip 3: Discern Your Values pp. 75-98 Read Tip 4: Don’t Fight the Resurrection pp. 101-115 I will attempt to post the handouts for Tips 2-4 in advance of the session. There won’t always be this much homework, but we’re playing catch up because you didn’t have the book yet. Homework won’t be checked!
Session 2: 
Tip 1 "Let Leaders Lead"
Tip 2 "Expand Your Circles" content media
Trinity Admin
Gone Fishing
Gone Fishing
Jan 25, 2020
In Fishing Tips
Welcome to the first session. As we view the video please consider the possibilities for Trinity on Main as we continue to work towards a renewed vision for our church and community. Consider questions such as, what are the similarities and differences between our churches and communities and then, what are the "tips" that can help us move further towards our goals? This first video includes the Introduction and Tips 1-3 from the book. Click HERE to access the video. Fishing Tips: How Curiosity Transformed a Community of Faith Book Study: Trinity United Church, Newmarket Session 1: Introduction Handout (January 26, 2020) Introduction: p. xI – xxiii and Video 1 The questions were formulated from the book and the webinar video. 1. a) Upon what scripture is the book based? b) Give a brief synopsis of the scripture and its connection to the book title and theme. (book and webinar) c) What is the significance of the number of fish caught (153) ? 2. Spiritual & Religious a) What is the literal mean of “spiritual”? b) What is the literal meaning of “religious”? c) What is the significance of “&” between the two words (concepts)? 3. Then: believe ------------- behave ------------ belong Now: belong ------------ behave ------------ believe (My understanding of “behave” is following the rituals of the worship service. e.g. passing the peace, when to stand / sit etc.) Comment on the significance of this shift. In small groups or with the person sitting next to you, discuss the significance of this shift. Has this happened at Trinity? Record ideas on chart paper.) 4. Mark Kingwell (author of In Pursuit of Happiness) Meaning vs. happiness 1. Creative leisure 2. Connection to family / friends 3. Connected to common social projects 4. Time to reflect In small groups or with the person sitting next to you, discuss which of the above resonates the most for you. Record ideas on chart paper 5. Harvey Cox (author of The Future of Faith) Three ages in the church since its founding. Age of Faith (0 -400) Age of Belief (400 – 1900) Age of Spirit (1900-present) Is Trinity an Age of Spirit church? Evidence? 6. Belief vs. Faith a) What is one synonym for “belief”? b) Identify four characteristics of “faith” mentioned in the video. 7. Brian McLaren (author of “Great Spiritual Migration”) Three major shifts in religion 1. Shifting spiritually from beliefs to love 2. Shifting from concept of a violent supreme being to receiving Spirit at work and in the world. 3. Shift from organized religion to causes such as the environment, peace and poverty 8. Note the comparison chart for Hillhurst United Church, Calgary 2004 vs. 2019 9. What shift(s) have you noticed at Trinity in recent years? Discuss in small groups or with a partner. (Record on chart paper)
Session 1: Fishing Tips Then & Now content media
Trinity Admin
Gone Fishing
Gone Fishing
Jan 22, 2020
In Fishing Tips
Join us starting on Sunday January 26, 2020 and for six consecutive Sundays for this opportunity to learn and share thoughts as we work together on developing the ongoing and growing vision of Trinity United Church in Newmarket. For those who are able to attend, you can review session notes and add your comments to this forum. Resources will be noted and shared here. If you are not able to attend any or all sessions, feel free to review these notes and resources. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday or hearing from you through this forum. View this short video from John Pentland about his book and the process used at his church. Book Study Outline We will be studying: Fishing Tips: How Curiosity Transformed a Community of Faith Rev. Dr. John Pentland Published by: Edge: A Network for Ministry Development United Church of Canada Toronto, Canada, 2015 (fourth printing) The major resource will be the book + four webinar videos made available on the United Church of Canada website, “United in Learning”. Participants will read assigned chapters prior to each session. At each session, the webinar video will be shown. The video will be stopped at appropriate times to discuss question(s) posed by John Pentland. Responses will be recorded on chart paper by volunteers. The chart paper responses will be photographed and posted on the Trinity website. A handout will be provided at each session to take personal notes. Questions, relevant to Trinity United Church, Newmarket will be included and discussed. A chat room has been created on the Trinity United Church website for those interested in further online discussion and access to resources. If you don’t have a computer or If this stresses you out, don’t worry about it. To access this chatroom: Go to the Trinity United Church, Newmarket website ( and login as a member. Your login is your email address. Type in your password. If you don’t have a password yet, then…….. On the website, click on “Sign up” Enter your email address. Pick a password and type it in and enter it. You will have to wait about 24 h for authentication. Once notified of authentication then you can login with your email and password. Once logged in, go to “Members”, then “Trinity Conversations” Then Go to “ Fishing Tips” – a picture of fish in a net Open it and scroll down to the comment section. Start typing. When finished, hit “publish”. I’ve already left a welcoming message there! Links to videos, handouts, photos of chart paper responses etc. will be uploaded to this location as well. If you don’t have a computer, or if you don’t embrace technology, don’t worry…. just read the book and come to the sessions. Handouts will be provided. Book Study Outline The following schedule is tentative only. It will evolve as the weeks go by. Jan. 26th : Session 1: Introduction Feb. 2nd : Session 2: Tip 1: Let Leaders Lead! and Tip 2: Expand Your Circles, Feb. 9th: Session 3: Tip 3: Discern Your Values and Tip 4 Don't Fight the Resurrection Feb. 16th: Session 4: Tip 5: Pay For What You Want, Not What You Have and Tip 6: Pay it Forward Feb. 23rd: Session 5: Tip 7: Connect to Culture and Tip 8: Say Who You Are March 1st: Session 6: Tip 9: Worship Matters and Communications (This is not part of the book but is an update since the book was written.) Possible bonus session or home study: Contemplative Ministry. (This is not part of the book but is an update since the book was written.)
Fishing Tips & Trinity on Main's Vision
Book Study Description and Outline content media

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